Mar 23, 2013

Vocabulary - Pronouns

Before we form a sentence, it is important to know the pronouns first.

Here are some important pronouns in Chinese language.


I, me


You (female)

You (polite) nín

He, him

She, her


We, us 我们 wŏ men

You all 你们 nĭ men

They, them 他们 tā men

Note that in Chinese, the written form of “you”, "he/she" and "him/her" is slightly different between male and female. However, their pronunciation is the same.

Actually in written form, you can write a female as “你,他”or “妳,她”, but you cannot write a male as “妳,她”. Practically the word “你,他”are commonly used even when we are referring to female.

Why male can't use “妳,她”? It is because these words' radical “女” means "female".

So now you have learnt the Chinese word of "female". Lets learn the word "male" as well.


male nán


this, these zhè

that, those

Note that both singular/plural (this/these or that/those) are the same in Chinese.