
Imagine if you NEVER learn English at all and I give you a word “moon”, you will not know how to pronounce it, how to write it and what it means. You start to learn the pronunciation of m-oo-n (like pinyin), then you learn how to write each alphabet from left to right, then you memorize what it means.

The same apply to learning Chinese language. 

Moon in Chinese is “. By just looking at this character for the first time, you do not know how to pronounce, write and what it means. 

By learning the pinyin, you can pronounce it if the pinyin is given to you, which is “yuè”. Then you need to learn to write it just like learning to write a,b,c. After that you memorize by heart what it means.

Lessons on Writing

Lesson 1 - The Strokes
Lesson 2 - The Sequence
Lesson 3 - Simplified vs Traditional

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