Mar 13, 2013

Vocabulary - Numbers (2)

By now you should have learned ten Chinese characters which are one to ten. Now it's time to learn a few more.

zero líng

hundred băi

thousand qiān

ten thousand wàn

hundred million 亿

trillion zhào

Note that there is no word for "million" in Chinese, it is called "百万".
Similarly there is no word for "billion" in Chinese, it is called "十亿".

Numbers more than one hundred

101 one hundred and one 一百零一

102 one hundred and two 一百零二

110 one hundred and ten 一百一十

111 one hundred and eleven 一百一十一

115 one hundred and fifteen 一百一十五

120 one hundred and twenty 一百二十

122 one hundred and twenty two 一百二十二

160 one hundred and sixty 一百六十

190 one hundred and ninety 一百九十

199 one hundred and ninety nine 一百九十九

For numbers like 101, 109, 1002, 1205, where the "tenth" is zero, the word “零” has to be present. If not it will be confusing, eg. when we say 一百一, it can be 101 or 110.

For number like 110, 111, it can also be 一百十 (or 一百一十), 一百十一 (or 一百一十一).

200 two hundred 两百

204 two hundred and four 两百零四

208 two hundred and eight 两百零八

212 two hundred and twelve 两百一十二

220 two hundred and twenty 两百二十

888 eight hundred and eighty eight 八百八十八

991 nine hundred and ninety one 九百九十一

In Chinese language, both “二” and “两” mean "two". In counting numbers, only when we say "two", "twelve", twenty", we use “二”. In numbers like "twenty thousand", we also use the word “二” because it is said as "twenty". When used in hundred, thousand, million and larger numbers, “两” is used as "two". See the examples involving "two" below for better understanding.

1000 one thousand 一千

1005 one thousand and five 一千零五

1010 one thousand and ten 一千零一十

1050 one thousand and fifty 一千零五十

1084 one thousand and eighty four 一千零八十四

1600 one thousand and six hundred 一千六百

1230 one thousand two hundred and thirty 一千百三十

1369 one thousand three hundred and sixty nine 一千三百六十九

2000 two thousand

2022 two thousand and twenty two 千零

2222 two thousand two hundred and twenty two

4222 four thousand two hundred and twenty two 四千

Please study how “二” and “两” is used in all the examples here. 

For larger numbers more than ten thousand, the same principle applies.

10,000 ten thousand 一万

20,000 twenty thousand 两万

22,222 twenty two thousand two hundred and twenty two 两万两千两百二十二

60,470 sixty thousand four hundred and seventy 六万四百七十

100,000 one hundred thousand 十万

100,007 one hundred thousand and seven 十万零七

100,040 one hundred thousand and forty 十万四十

212,000 two hundred and twelve thousand 二十一万两千

566,000 five hundred and sixty six thousand 五十六万六千

220,400 two hundred twenty thousand four hundred 二十二万四百

482,351 four hundred eighty two thousand three hundred and fifty one 四十八万两千三百五十一

1,000,000 one million 一百万

20,000,000 twenty million 两千万

500,000,000 five hundred million 五亿

1,000,000,000 one billion 十亿

3,000,000,000 three billion 三十亿

10,000,000,000 ten billion 一百亿

90,000,000,000 ninety billion 九百亿

100,000,000,000 one hundred billion 一千亿

1,000,000,000,000 one trillion 一兆

The chart below summarize the Chinese & English term by the number of zeros.
Please note that two "0" means "100", six "0" means "1 000 000" and so on.

No. of “0” Chn Eng

No 0

One 0

Two 0 hundred

Three 0 thousand

Four 0

Five 0 十万

Six 0 百万 million

Seven 0 千万

Eight 0 亿

Nine 0 十亿 billion

Ten 0 百亿

Eleven 0 千亿

Twelve 0 trillion

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