Mar 7, 2013

Writing - The Strokes

How to write Chinese characters?

Chinese characters may look very complicated and a lot of people may give up learning Chinese because of this. The Chinese characters are constructed from a number of “strokes”. You need to learn these strokes first, just like you need to learn how to write the 26 letters of a,b,c... to x,y,z.

There are 26 strokes you need to learn here. It's easier to divide them into 4 groups.

The first group represents the most basic 6 strokes. The other groups of strokes are actually evolved through this 6 basic strokes.

First group: 6 basic strokes

Stroke Chinese name & pinyin Description
héng Horizontal stroke
(written left to right)
竖 shù Vertical stroke
(written top to bottom)
撇 piě Down stroke to left
(written top to bottom)
捺 nà Down stroke to right
(written top to bottom)
点 diăn Dot
(top left to bottom right)
Upward stroke
(bottom left to top right)

Second group: strokes with a hook (钩)

Stroke Chinese name & pinyin Description
横钩 héng gōu Horizontal stroke with hook
(left to right)
竖钩 shù gōu Vertical stroke with hook
(top to bottom)
弯钩 wān gōu Bending stroke with hook
(top to bottom)
斜钩 xié gōu Slant stroke with hook
(top to bottom)
平钩 píng gōu Bending stroke with hook
(top left to right)
竖弯钩 shù wān gōu Vertical stroke with bend & hook
(top to bottom)

Third group: strokes with sharp bend ()

Stroke Chinese name & pinyin Description
竖折 shù zhé Vertical stroke with horizontal right turn
(top to bottom)
横折 héng zhé Horizontal stroke with vertical down turn
(top to bottom)
撇折 piě zhé Down stroke to left with horizontal stroke
撇点 piě diăn Down stroke to left with dot
(top to bottom)
横撇 ng piě Vertical stroke with down stroke to left
竖提 shù tí Vertical stroke with upward stroke

Fourth group: combination of more bends and hook

Stroke Chinese name & pinyin Description
横折弯 héng zhé wān Horizontal stroke with vertical down turn and bend
横折提 héng zhé tí Horizontal stroke with vertical down turn and upward stroke
横折钩 héng zhé gōu Horizontal stroke with vertical down turn and hook
横斜钩 héng xié gōu Horizontal stroke with slant stroke with hook
横折弯钩 héng zhé wān gōu Horizontal stroke with vertical down turn and bend then hook
横折折撇 héng zhé zhé piě Horizontal stroke with double vertical down turn and slant stroke
横折折折钩 héng zhé zhé zhé gōu Horizontal stroke with double vertical down turn and hook
竖折折钩 shù zhé zhé gōu Vertical stroke with double turn & hook
(top to bottom)

The list here is not comprehensive but should cover at least 99% of Chinese characters. Just get familiar with them and it will be a bonus if you can remember the name of each stroke. If you can't, just remember the name of the 6 basic strokes first.

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